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I Don’t Think of Myself as a Beauty Therapist

Julie RICHARDS • Dec 01, 2017

I’m a stress busting, confidence giving, listener who also helps with aches and pains

Image of woman receiving CACI treatment

When I’m asked what I do for a living, I say I’m a skincare and relaxation expert. Yes, I have oodles of qualifications in beauty therapy, but beauty isn’t really what my clients are after.

Some of you may know that I started my current career after working for more than 20 years as a successful accountant. It was a stressful career, working long hours, but I always made time for a regular visit to my local beauty salon. It made me a better accountant. The benefits I gained from my regular treatments led me into choosing beauty as a career in the hope that it would help others.

Here’s my thoughts on how your local ‘Beauty Salon’ could help, based on my own experiences;

1. It’s not just for girls

Yes, you guys needn’t be shy. Most of the ideas below apply to you too.

2. Did you get a good night’s sleep?

Whether your lack of sleep is due to worry and stress, or aches and pains, massage can really help you get a good night’s sleep. Relaxing massages like warm lava shell massage give you time to clear your mind, while listen to relaxing music and being enveloped in warmth. Many clients often fall asleep on the couch. If aches and pains are your concern, regular deep tissue massages can make a huge difference.

3. How is your confidence level?

It is said that confident people are more attractive and more successful in their careers, but how do you gain that confidence. For me, having great skin and a good hair day made me feel invincible (obviously being good at my job helped too). Too many people see ‘beauty’ treatments as frivolous treats for the vain, but feeling good about yourself could be the difference between winning that contract / promotion or not. By working with your skincare expert, you can tackle those skin concerns such as ageing and acne to help improve your confidence, and ultimately your career.

4. Are you selfie ready?

We live in a very superficial age, where people are judged in a split second, simply by how they look. Added to this there’s social media everywhere and if you’re running your own business you may need to have a profile picture, post live videos to Facebook or pose for a group photo at a second’s notice. For some, it’s their worst nightmare. A professional make-up artist can teach you how to pick the right colour and looks for either general daytime, or specifically for a photo shoot She can also, help with time saving ideas and short cuts to make sure you get to work on time.

Our ethos at Looking Glass Aesthetics is to offer professional advice and treatments with friendly, yet outstanding customer service. If you would like a FREE consultation with one of our experts, please give us a call on 01789 261144

by Julie RICHARDS 24 Jul, 2019
We're excited to announce that we are offering Dermalux Flex LED Phototherapy to our treatment menu. This non-invasive treatment uses clinically proven therapeutic light energy to trigger the skins natural rejuvenation and repair processes without pain or downtime. From the first treatment, Dermalux instantly boosts the complexion to restore vitality and glow. A treatment course offers cumulative benefits and can be targeted to specific skin concerns for the face and body with lasting and visible improvement. HOW DOES IT WORK? Our skin has the ability to absorb light energy and use it to stimulate or regulate essential cell processes. LED Phototherapy is the application of beneficial wavelengths from the visible and infrared part of the light spectrum which have proven skin enhancing benefits. Skin cells that are energised function better and can renew up to 200% faster accelerating regeneration and repair. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Dermalux uses unique combinations of clinically proven Blue, Red and Near Infrared wavelengths to boost collagen production, increase hydration, calm redness and irritation and blitz blemish causing bacteria. As the light triggers a whole cascade of skin enhancing processes, the benefits continue even after the treatment has finished. WHAT DOES THE TREATMENT INVOLVE? Dermalux is a relaxing, pain free experience with proven mood enhancing effects. Enjoy some luxury me-time as your skin absorbs the energising light to kick start cell regeneration, calm irritation or restore radiance. Each treatment last up to 30 minutes and with no downtime, you can simply get up and glow!
by Julie RICHARDS 24 May, 2019
“ There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.” ― Homer, The Odyssey A recent study showed that women in the UK spent an average of 6 ½ hours sleeping each night, instead of the recommended 8 hours. So how does getting a great night’s sleep affect our skin? 1. Less wrinkles Skin makes more collagen when we are sleeping, meaning skin is plumper and less likely to wrinkle. Lack of sleep can also leave the skin drier, which can make lines more visible 2. A Glowing complexion Your body boosts blood flow to the skin while you snooze, which means you wake to a healthy glow. Skimp on sleep and your complexion can look drab, ashen, or lifeless. 3. Brighter, less puffy eyes Get enough shut-eye and you'll have less puffiness under your eyes. Stay well-hydrated and elevate your head with an extra pillow at night, too. That can also help reduce swelling. 4. Products work better During the day you skin is defending itself from the sun and pollution, but at night time it can focus on repairing itself and absorbing the repairing ingredients in your skin care regime. And here’s the proof: Researchers in Sweden asked a study group to look at pictures of sleep-starved people vs. ones who’d had eight hours. The well-rested people seemed healthier, less tired -- and more attractive. So here's to a great night's sleep for you all.
by Julie RICHARDS 24 Sept, 2018
We've been waiting patiently for our delivery of the new Norse shaving products and are excited to say it's arrived. Sarah and I think they look fantastic and we're feeling quite smug about how these razors are better for the environment that than ugly plastic things. We're also proud to be buying British. The trouble is we've both been busy with the IPL machine and now neither of us have any unwanted hair to shave off. So how would we be able to test them out and give you an honest review ..... There was only one answer. Call in the assistance of my husband Dave (or Mr Julie as he's sometimes affectionately known). So off he headed to the bathroom armed with a shiny new ebony razor set and a tub of Bergamot shave soap. Some time later .... My very first impression is: I'm 46 years old and can honestly say this is the first razor that actually made me feel like a proper grown-up. I've spent all of my adult life buying disposable razors and the marketing names "fusion-mega-stealth-superflex-awesomatic" make me cringe every time I buy them. This razor has a simple design, a good weight, is well constructed and frankly looks classy on the bathroom shelf. I'm an engineer and can't help but smile when something is well made. This is well made. The soap lathers very easily, smells good and using the brush to apply it is weirdly satisfying, like you're preparing properly. Now for the "will I rip my face off?" stage. This is my first time using a safety razor and my nerves aren't particularly calmed by the word "safety". It is reassuringly easy to find the best angle for the shave (30 degrees apparently), and even shaving against the grain I avoided any cuts. The single blade definitely results in less skin irritation than my old 5 bladed thing that always left me with a lot of redness. This is a razor you take your time with, it's very easy to get used to using, and it rewarded me with a very smooth result. In a fit of overenthusiasm I went straight into using it to shave my whole head, with exactly the same satisfying results; even shaving the back of my head "blind" was a doddle. Dave's Verdict: I'm not giving this back to Julie. It's mine now. This is a smoother, better shave than I'm used to and I'm sticking with it. The full range of Norse razors and shaving accessories is now available in salon and on-line
by Julie RICHARDS 01 Aug, 2018
The #RadianceRevolution is here. Environ's new range tackles pigmentation, age-spots, sun-damage and uneven-texture. We highlight the benefits of these 4 innovative products and let you know how to use them
by Julie RICHARDS 04 Feb, 2018
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, many of you will be thinking about that long overdue waxing. With any waxing treatment you should be prepared for slight redness & irritation immediately after treatment and subsequent days, so we would always suggest a wax takes place 3-4 days before any special occasion. Once you’ve taken the plunge, here are the do’s and don’ts of how to maintain hair-free healthy skin. DO EXFOLIATE REGULARLY. We suggest exfoliating 2-3 times a week with a mild sugar scrub, or daily with a follicle exfoliant (we recommend Ingrown X-it Solution). Don’t start the scrubbing until three or four days after the wax, but ingrown x-it can be used immediately. DO MOISTURISE DAILY. It is important to keep your skin hydrated – this will help prevent ingrown hairs. During Winter this is particularly important as your skin is constantly having to adapt to different temperatures and heavy layers of clothing. Maintaining healthy skin makes the regrowth process better. DO NOT HAVE A HOT SHOWER or have a hot bath for at least 12 (if not 24) hours after a treatment. Your follicle remains open for some time after waxing, allowing bacteria to get in there, plus there’s an increased risk of irritation DO USE AFTERCARE PRODUCTS. If irritation does occur (which is totally normal, by the way) we recommend using a natural product with soothing properties (Tea Tree Sooth, Soothing Cream or Aloe Vera Soothing Gel by LYCON are all fab) to apply topically to the area. DO NOT USE A SUNBED (or sunbathe) – this is just going to lead you to a whole world of discomfort. DO NOT EXERCISE. Swimming & exercise are not advisable straight after a treatment DO WEAR LOOSE CLOTHING immediately after your wax to prevent any unnecessary rubbing/friction in the freshly waxed area DO NOT TOUCH your freshly waxed areas – this is particularly important for any kind of facial waxing if you want to avoid an unsightly breakout! And while we are on that note, do not apply makeup to these areas for at least 24 hours. and finally, DO NOT SHAVE. This messes up your whole hair regrowth cycle, and leaves hair feeling coarse, blunt and prickly. Just don't. With 25% off all waxing appointments before Valentine's Day, call us on 01789 261144 to book or book online
by Julie RICHARDS 30 Dec, 2017
The Christmas season may be over for another year, but the cumulative effect of those late party nights, that extra glass of wine and all round festive stresses can take their toll on our poor complexions. From dark circles and puffy eyes to spots and dehydration, January can find us all in need of some TLC. Here’s some ideas from the team at Looking Glass Aesthetics to help you transform your skin from lifeless to luminous in a matter of weeks. Deep cleanse During the busy Christmas period we often neglect our regular beauty regime, either through lack of time or sheer tiredness, so it’s important to start January on the right note. To kick start the New Year an Environ Express Purifying Treatment (£45) will get you back on track. Created to purify, micro-exfoliate and re-hydrate your skin, this treatment revives and refreshes, leaving skin feeling like new. Add back the moisture During winter our skin often feels drier and flakier due to cold temperatures and the drying effect of central heating. Add to this the effects of alcohol and it’s easy to see how our skin can become dehydrated during the party season. Based on Hyaluronic Acid, which holds 1000 times its own weight in water, an Environ HydraBoost Treatment (£75) is the perfect antidote to dry, lacklustre skin. It helps to reduce fine lines caused by dehydration and increase the plumpness of the dermis, resulting in moisturised, glowing skin. Beauty Sleep We all know the benefits of getting a good 8 hours sleep, but did you know that this is when the skin is most able to repair itself. It’s essential to cleanse and moisturise before bed, but to create visibly luminous, radiant and revitalised skin try Environ’s Revival Masque (£54) on top. Known as the ’facelift in a bottle’ it stimulates growth factors in the skin, while hydrating, lifting and firming. Diet Detox Those Christmas treats probably resulted in a diet laden with salt, sugar and alcohol, containing little nutritional value. Try increasing your daily water intake for hydration and including more fruit and green vegetables in your diet as a great source of antioxidants. If you’re after an extra boost to your diet, Skin Pure (£27) from the Advanced Nutrition Programme is a food supplement aimed at supporting the liver which plays a role in detoxing the body and therefore helps clarify the skin too. For those who are short of time and cash (and who isn't this time of year) Looking Glass are offering a Dermalogica Detox Skinsolver treatment for a limited period at just £10. This 10-minute service delivers quick, visible results while smoothing away skin ageing pollution. Designed to resurface, detoxify and reduce the signs of ageing all while helping to protect the skin from harmful environmental pollutants
by Julie RICHARDS 09 Nov, 2017
Your brushes are your make up’s best friend and you need to look after them if you want them to last. If you’re cramming them upside down in a pot and misshaping them, they aren’t going to be much use to you. 1. Clean your brushes regularly. Your brushes hold millions of germs, dead skin cells, and your natural oils as well as product build up. Clean brushes apply makeup better. 2. Use conditioner or fabric softer on them Keeping them soft will stop your brush feeling scratchy on your skin. Your synthetic brushes won’t need softening that often but when you do use fabric softener. Use normal hair conditioner on your natural brushes. 3. Don’t loosen the glue holding the bristles If the water is too hot it will melt the glue and your bristles will fall out. If too much water hits the glue it may weaken in. Don’t soak your brushes, this will damage them and you will need to start replacing them. 4. Make sure the bristles aren’t mis-shaped when drying. You could run the risk of them permanently misshaping. If you can air dry them over an edge on top of a towel this is preferable Make sure your brushes are dry before you use them as this will change how the makeup applies. 5. Quick spritz in between washes After every use it’s advised to give your bushes a quick clean to remove excess product and kill bacteria. I use Jane Iredale’s Botanic Spritz. If you are more spot prone I recommend using an anti-bac brush spritz or one with Tea Tree in to reduce the spread of bacteria. Spritzing your eye shadow brush also helps remove dark heavier pigment. Trying to do a natural day look with the dirty brush you used for last night’s dark smoky eye never ends well. 6. The more you use your brushes the more often you should wash them. If you’re using your brushes every day I recommend giving your brushes a deep cleaning at least once a month. I wash my brushes after every client for hygiene reasons and if you are sharing your brushes with your mates, mom or sister you should wash them after they use them. S arah's Jane Iredale Make-up Lessons include advice on which brush to use with each product and we now offer group lessons for up to 4 people.
by Julie RICHARDS 03 Nov, 2017
Sarah, our make-up artist, explains how to select the right make-up brushes for the job, including which brush to use with each type of product
by Julie RICHARDS 25 Oct, 2017
If you slept in your make-up last night you’re not alone. 54% of us ladies have make-up on their pillowcases from not taking it off every night. While we sleep our skin is regenerating, but what else is happening if we haven’t removed our make-up. 1. Breakouts Yes, probably the obvious one, but not removing make-up can lead to blocked pores, excess oil, and bacteria on our skin. The perfect recipe for blackheads and breakouts. 2. Wrinkles Excess dirt and make-up on the skin attracts free radicals leading to collagen breakdown, causing wrinkles and fine lines. Added to that, the mineral oils in your lipstick may be blocking vital moisture getting to those lips, causing feathering around the mouth. 3. Broken eyelashes and brow hairs Left-on mascara can cause eyelashes and brows to become brittle, break easily and even shed faster. 4. Irritation, allergic reactions, and eye infections Have you ever woken up with sore (panda) eyes? For most of us, it’s a minor irritation, but leaving your eye make-up on can lead to eye infections. And it’s not just the eyes, long term exposure to the chemicals found in some types of make-up can lead to sensitivity. Our skin needs time to breathe. 5. It makes your pillow dirty Sounds obvious, but most of us don’t change our pillowcases every day. While a dirty pillowcase itself is not harmful, the build-up of bacteria will then get into your skin and hair when you go to bed next, extending the damage caused. Is your skin in need of a boost? Book in for one of our Prep and Glow SkinSolvers this Autumn. In just 10 minutes our Dermalogica skin experts will share our professional tricks and give your skin the boost it deserves. Click here to find out more.
by Julie RICHARDS 05 Oct, 2017
Research has shown that women with uneven pigmented skin tend to appear older than they are. It’s one of the top signs of ageing skin, along with wrinkles, lines, and sagging skin. Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix for pigmentation, but regular treatments and home care products can bring it under control. What causes pigmentation? Sun exposure, pollution, hormones, pregnancy, and inflammation (e.g. due to breakouts) can all cause overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin and hair colour. The resulting dark patches and spots are typically perceived as "aged skin" and can make you look more than 12 years older. What works? Pigmentation can be one of the most difficult skin concerns to repair. Often it can take 6-8 weeks before any improvement is visible. Also, as the pigment is drawn into the upper layers of the skin, it can look worse before it starts to improve. The 2 key areas to focus on are: - Prevention Although there are several triggers for pigmentation, sun damage is by far the most common. Wearing a high-quality sunscreen all year round will stop damage happening in the first place. - Repair Key ingredient for repairing skin cells are Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Vitamin C also disrupts the body’s chemical process of making pigmentation. It’s important that these vitamins can penetrate into the skin’s lower layers where the pigment is produced. How can your skin therapist help? The key to dealing with any skin condition is your initial consultation. Your skin therapist will help you understand the cause of the pigmentation and changes in lifestyle you can make. She will also recommend the best course of treatments and products for you. Check out the various options we offer at Looking Glass Aesthetics on our T reatments Pages . We are also able to offer bespoke treatments.
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